Stanley K. Ridgley Against Robin DeAngelo, Author of 'White Fragility'

Because I mentioned Robin DeAngelo’s book White Fragility in a positive way in two blog posts, “Enablers of White Supremacy” and “How Even Liberal Whites Make Themselves Out as Victims in Discussions of Racism,” I consider it important to give the other side about Robin DeAngelo. Here is a link to Stanley K. Ridgley’s essay critical of Robin DeAngelo.

I don’t think my two blog posts are seriously vitiated by this; they were based on my imagined picture of how a racial sensitivity training along these lines might go, not on the reality of what Robin DeAngelo does. It may well be that my imagined picture is considerably more benign than the reality of what Robin DeAngelo does.

On this topic of racial sensitivity training, I also have a more recent post: “Thinking about the 'Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping'.”