Daniel Herriges Digs Deep into the Preferences that Matter for a 'Traffic Problem'

I liked this piece. I recommend you read the whole thing, but here is a taste:

The good news is, if our traffic problem is one of driver frustration and not one of travel time or total volume, we can improve things much more easily than we can alter absolute travel time or total volume. Changing the latter two things is a Sisyphean task, given the reality of induced demand and Marchetti's constant. But fixing the frustration piece? The toolkit is right in front of us, as evidenced by the experience of driving on well-designed two-lane urban streets that already exist. In this context, we drive at a moderate but steady speed, an experience which doesn't feel chaotic or unsafe, and which offers lively streetscapes and scenery to look at.

This realization leaves us free to advocate for high-quality, compact development—development which creates destinations that are pleasant to spend time at on foot, and that reduces the need to hop in a car in the first place—without adopting the misguided fear that such development is going to unleash Carmageddon.